Sunday, April 26, 2015


Most people might think "It is the weekend!" Thinking that it is time to sleep-in and wake up at 12:00 PM. NOT ME! Yesterday I woke up at 6:00 AM mom telling me to pack 2 pairs of clothes for a long drive to torment for taekwondo. When we got to torment, nana and grandpa were there to watch me. I was separated from the boys AGAIN.To bad, I wanted to be with Jack and James so I could beat my brother up. But, there was a girl that was in my ring last time and we had a blast! After we spared and did are patterns we were told the results.I got two 2nd place medals and my brother got 3rd place.
Then we went to nana's house for a day.We watched tons of movies. Today, we came home from nana's house and this afternoon I'm going to a party! PS: (3 means a heart! 

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